Learn more about the
Life.Church Online Host Team

Join the Host Team. Reach the world.

I'm Christina Alvarez Ross, and I'm your Host Team Pastor at Life.Church Online. I'd love to formally introduce myself, so here's a quick video for you!

I'm so thrilled you've pursued volunteering with us, and here's why: I deeply believe that God brought you to this team, at this time, in this place, for a reason. You're going to bring skills and passions to our team that we don't have yet, and I know God's going to use it in a powerful way.

Right now, your next step is easy. All I need you to do is fill out this form and let us know how you want to serve with Host Team.

There are three different areas to choose from, and I've included some videos below to help you get an idea for what each one looks like.

Areas to Serve

Public Chat

This is an area of Host Team where you'll greet people and pray for them during live services.

Private Chat

This is an area of Host Team where you'll connect with people in real time one-on-one who have questions or need prayer.

Email Response

This is an area of Host Team where you'll serve people who've reached out via email with a variety of requests.

Sign Up to Serve on the Life.Church Online Host Team 

By the way, are you already an active volunteer at Life.Church? You can sign up to join Host Team here.